Questions and answers
Learn more about it, how Emcomy works

We want everyone to be able to benefit from Emcomy. Without previous knowledge of digital media and without having to read long instructions. That is why we have placed a high value on the simple and intuitive use of our service.
Answers to common questions and tips for optimal use can be found here:
Register to use Emcomy and log in with your user name and password. Then add your contacts under „Contacts“ and a trusted person under „Trusted person“. Send the latter their access data or print it out and hand it over personally. Finally, select the messages you want to make available to your trusted third party.
In an emergency, the trusted third party can log in to Emcomy with his or her access data and send a suitable message to all the contacts you have stored with just a few clicks. The trusted third party has no access to the personal data of your contacts and vice versa.
The password must be at least 8 characters long and consist of upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers and special characters.
You will receive your confirmation mail within 10 minutes. If you do not find an email from us in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
The link will lose its validity after two hours. If you do not confirm your registration within two hours, you can repeat the registration process.
In this case, the mail is displayed by your mail client as a „text message“. In most cases, there is a note above the e-mail that external content can be displayed. If you click on this, the link in the e-mail should also work.
Emcomy supports all current browsers such as MS Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
This is to prevent unauthorised people from accessing your account when you use a computer in a public place, such as an internet café.
You will find a button in your account settings on the right-hand side that says „Upgrade tariff“. If you want to switch to the Pro tariff, the payment method will then appear, where you can choose between Paypal and credit card. We do not currently offer other payment methods.
In your account settings, there is a red button labelled „Delete account“. This will delete your account and you do not need to do anything else. Please bear in mind that your existing data will then also be irrevocably deleted.
If you use the Pro tariff, we will not refund the amount for the actual remaining term.
Since it can happen at any time that you or your trusted person have to use Emcomy in an emergency, we recommend that you tell your contacts to enter our sender address info@mail.emcomy.com in their address book. Among other things, this prevents the sent message from ending up in your contacts‘ spam folder and thus not being read.
We recommend that you check your contact list at least every 6 months to make sure it is up to date. This way you avoid forgetting new people in your environment who are important to you.
In our free tariff you can create a maximum of 10 contacts.
In our Pro tariff you can create up to 100 contacts.
You can use various means of communication in the Pro tariff. To send emergency messages via „SMS“, a mobile phone number must be stored.
Most people have an emergency contact. This is usually their partner or family members. In any case, you should tell the person you trust that you are using the Emcomy service and, if necessary, introduce the service to them.
We recommend that you change the trusted person immediately if your life circumstances change (separation from partner, quarrel with family members, etc.). Otherwise there is a risk that the specified trusted person will not use the emergency service.
You can either print out the access data contained in your generated PDF document or send it to your trusted third party by e-mail. In both cases, this ensures that your trusted third party receives the access data directly from you.
To prevent possible misuse, the message is not sent immediately. If your trusted person sends an emergency message, you will automatically receive an e-mail informing you that the service has been triggered. In this e-mail there is also a link with which you can „cancel“ the sending within 24 hours.
In addition, there is also the possibility that you block the access for your trusted person so that no further misuse is possible. In such a case, it is advisable that you clarify the situation with your trusted third party or replace him or her with another person if it is indeed a case of attempted misuse.
The QR code contains the contact details of the trusted person and should be carried in the wallet. In the event of an emergency, paramedics, doctors and the police, for example, can quickly inform your trusted person without the need for lengthy research.
Emergency messages
Currently, we offer sending in German, English, Spanish and Portuguese. More languages will be added within the next few months.
In the Free tariff, the following emergency messages are available:
– Decease
– Prolonged hospitalisation
– Prolonged hospitalisation due to Covid 19
– Prolonged hospitalisation due to a stroke
– Prolonged hospitalisation due to a car accident
In addition, further emergency messages are available with the Pro tariff:
– Prolonged hospitalisation due to coma
– Prolonged hospitalisation due to mental illness
– Missing person notification
Your contact will receive an emergency message via our service that matches the template you selected.
Examples in the following: Decease and Hospitalization
Account settings
This contact person, if defined, can be sent individually with each contact person in the emergency facilities. The mail address of the contact person can then be used for your contacts for queries.
Should your trusted person initiate the emergency process, emergency notifications will only be sent to your contacts after 24 hours. The notification timer, which is only available in the Pro tariff, gives you the option to have the emergency notifications sent only after 48, 72 or 120 hours.
Tariff upgade process
This is due to the settings in the payment process.
1. Mail: „The status of your direct debit payment has changed / Your direct debit payment is not active“
You only pay once for a whole year, but we have deactivated the automatic tariff renewal that used to take place after 365 days by default. We want to leave it up to our customers themselves to decide if they want to do an automatic tariff renewal. Therefore, there is also no recurring direct debit unless you as a customer activate this independently.
2. Mail: „Check the new settings for direct debit payments to Emcomy GmbH / You have set up direct debit payments to Emcomy GmbH.
This allows us to debit the payment amount from your Paypal account once.
3. Mail: „You have sent a direct debit payment to Emcomy GmbH / Thank you for your payment to Emcomy GmbH
If you have received this mail, the payment amount has been debited from your Paypal account.
Our support team will be happy to assist you by e-mail. Please use our contact form for this purpose and select the appropriate category for your enquiry as the subject.