Be prepared with Emcomys' digital address list for emergencies

Be prepared with Emcomys' digital address list for emergencies

Paramedics help a patient being transported to hospital.

Emergency preparedness for everyone

who wants their loved ones to be informed

Our service offers you the opportunity to create a digital list of your most important contacts who should be informed in an emergency. You store the names and email addresses of your friends, relatives or other important people in your list and make sure that in the event of an emergency or death, the right people are contacted by your trusted person.

We want our service to make you feel safe and sound. If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help.

Your Emcomy team

This is how Emcomy works in an emergency,

if you are no longer responsive

Frau telefoniert wegene eines Autounfalls. Sie gibt über den Unfall telefonisch Bescheid

An emergency occurs and your trusted third party is notified

In the best case, your chosen emergency contact person (trusted third party) is notified directly by the rescue services. It’s best to carry their number with you in your wallet.

Vertrauensperson sitzt am PC und muss die Benachrichtigung im Notfall starten

They then log in to Emcomy and the notification mechanism is started.

Your trusted third party cannot see your address list with their own login data. They select one of the emergency templates and activate the notification mechanism.

Verwandte besuchen ihre Oma im Krankenhaus

All your registered contacts will be informed

After 24 hours, everyone on your address list will be notified, so you don’t have to worry about anyone being uninformed.

This is how Emcomy works in an emergency,

if you are no longer responsive.

Frau telefoniert wegene eines Autounfalls. Sie gibt über den Unfall telefonisch Bescheid

An emergency occurs and your trusted third party is notified

In the best case, your chosen emergency contact person (trusted third party) is notified directly by the rescue services. It’s best to carry their number with you in your wallet.

Vertrauensperson sitzt am PC und muss die Benachrichtigung im Notfall starten

They then log in to Emcomy and the notification mechanism is started.

Your trusted third party cannot see your address list with their own login data. They select one of the emergency templates and activate the notification mechanism.

Verwandte besuchen ihre Oma im Krankenhaus

All your registered contacts will be informed

After 24 hours, everyone on your address list will be notified, so you don’t have to worry about anyone being uninformed.

Experience with Emcomy

Experience with Emcomy

Why not take a look?

Unsure? Just take a look at our service before deciding on digital emergency preparedness.

Use Emcomy

different devices for emergency contacts


Register with your name and e-mail address via our registration link in the navigation bar.

After a few minutes, you will receive our activation email, which you should confirm. You will then be redirected to Emcomy.


Set up address list

Enter your contacts with their name/pseudonym and e-mail address. Your address list will remain anonymous and your contacts will only be informed of their entry in the event of an emergency.

add the information about your contact
Ausgedruckte Login-Daten für die Vertrauensperson

Set up a trusted third party

Enter the name and e-mail address of your trusted third party and send them your personal login details by e-mail or as a printout. In an emergency, your trusted third party will activate the notification mechanism and all contacts on your list will be informed of the emergency.


Select emergency templates

Make a preliminary selection of the emergency messages that can be selected by the trusted third party in an emergency.

Choose the right templates for your messages

This is how Emcomy makes emergency preparedness easier for you…

... as a customer

All important contacts for emergencies in one list

Updates to your contacts can be made with little effort

Your trusted person cannot view the address list.

Can be managed from any internet-enabled device.

Automatic deletion of all data after notification of death

Frau beim Wandern, die für den Notfall vorgesorgt hat

... as a stored contact

You will be informed immediately as soon as your Emcomy registered contact has an emergency.

You will be informed with a personal salutation in an emergency message in the Emcomy design.

Eine junge Frau, die auf der Couch sitzt und eine Notfallbenachrichtigung erhalten hat
Eine Frau am Laptop, die für ihre Notfallvorsorge eine Kontaktliste anlegt

... as a trusted third party

Quick information with just 2 clicks

No need to search through the personal belongings of the person concerned or to conduct time-consuming contact research

Datensicherung bei Emcomy. Hände am Laptop mit Schlossymbol.

Our data security in emergency preparedness

We understand that security and data protection are of the utmost importance to you. That is why we have taken special precautions to ensure that your data is safe and secure and can only be accessed by you.

Our motivation and the minds behind Emcomy

We are a dedicated and international team of professionals specializing in providing emergency address lists through Emcomy. Our founder, Björn Walter, realized through a personal stroke of fate and the resulting conversations that there was no way to inform everyone about a death or serious accident when you can’t do it yourself. Our mission is to ensure that travelers, outgoing people and everyone else knows that the right people will be contacted in an emergency.

Our team consists of experienced developers, designers and IT security experts dedicated to creating and providing a secure, user-friendly and reliable emergency contact list service. Each team member brings unique skills and perspectives that enable us to constantly improve our service and provide our users with secure emergency preparedness.

Das Team von Emcomy mit Björn, David, Kirsten, Kayty, Nicole und Robert.

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